

The Seahawks were a one-yard play away from winning the Super Bowl. It left a bad taste in a lot of fans' mouths.

To get fans back on the bandwagon, the 'hawks need to prove they mean business. 

Super Bowl business.

creative partner: Aaron Konter

The Seahawks were a one-yard play away from winning the Super Bowl. It left a bad taste in a lot of fans' mouths.

To get fans back on the bandwagon, the 'hawks need to prove they mean business. 

Super Bowl business.


Creative Partner: Aaron Konter

Let's face it, the Seahawks kinda blew the big game.  An "apology" is probably in order. This front page letter from the team to their fans, "the 12," will kick off the campaign

And then we roll out some teaser posters.

And then some reminders that, "hey, we're still badass."

And then some reminders that the Seahawks wake up earlier, and probably work harder than you do. With limited edition mugs!

And the purchase of the limited edition mugs come with a free t-shirt!

Now that everyone has seen #SeahawksTraining15, we'll use the hashtag to connect with our fans. Using Periscope, we'll broadcast interviews with coaches and players, weight training, practice, etc.  (Sample video coming soon)